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Think differently
Create boldly 
Lead innovatively

Welcome to

The Issachar Coll3ctive,


faith, innovation and impact converge. 


Humanity was created with extraordinary capacity - designed for effective presence and called to live in a powerful symbiosis of godlikeness and godliness. We inspire, equip, and connect faith-driven individuals and organizations to amplify the Christian witness by reclaiming and unlocking their full God-given potential, strengthening their presence, and delivering modern, timely solutions rooted in timeless values.

Why Coll3ctive with a "3"?

The "3" represents our mission to unite faith, innovation, and action - challenging the faith community to step into its full capacity, embracing the dominion and creativity humanity was meant to exercise in the world.

Core initiatives

Working Together on Project

The Challenge Board

We facilitate dynamic, informed and engaged collaboration to develop innovative solutions and ventures that tackle difficult community and global challenges by leveraging faith and emerging technologies.  

Team Building Session

       Project Grow

We empower individuals to become informed and engaged  change agents who harness innovation and technology to drive personal growth, strengthen families, and contribute to societal flourishing.


      Project Lead

We equip leaders and organizations to embrace, facilitate and drive collaboration and transformation that leverages innovation and technology to improve livelihoods and advance the Kingdom.

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